bye bye baby
[ 12:16 AM ]
That's the name of a song, actually :)
Bye bye Blogger.
www.rachelrachelrachel.wordpress.comI hate it that I have to censor whatever I write here. Btw I know that's a stupid url, it's just that I like my name and 'rachel' was taken up and so was 'rachelrachel' so hurhur resort to the rule of three.
[ 10:44 PM ]
Yes I can be egoistic sometimes.
We got top for Bizlab. I love us. And LA presentation was cooool. And I have a good feeling about our tkam group project thingy because Gordon the ultimate powerhouse is in our group and therefore no slacking. At all. Hurray. Geography IPO just handed in today and I think we'll be alright :) Got back geography file and I got 19/20 yay. Plus I understand Quadratic Equations pretty alright. Just need to study more of Indices (yes I know how old that topic is and I'm not good at it). And today's 2.4 was the BEST I EVER HAD.
So yay everything's in my control. For now. After a week of sleeping at 1am. Horrible.
Anyway this is good. Just that I'm very pissed off by the fact that 3742057dfsF£&$£E)REfdsrwserw thesaurus exists and is used so frequently by some smart aleck.
K me Natasha Sinyee waited for Wilson and Yuhua to finish their run after school. Wilson is err a little bit midgety compared to everyone else. Hahahahahaa sorry.
Oh and Mr Siva was talking about how we'll (the girls) probably all end up with like wide hips and stuff like that in Year 5/6 and I was like noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! K hopefully not. I don't want to. No way. If not I'll make sure I exercise every damn day. I think I'll want to take dance as a CCA lor. Can't imagine a life without that. I just counted the other day that I've been dancing for 5 years. Doesn't seem that long until you think about it.
Hmph I did switch to Wordpress during the Dec holidays lor just that Sinyee pulled me back. I want to switchhhhh. Yay.
The To Kill A Mockingbird project is cool.
And I think girls have it the worse -.-
[ 10:23 PM ]

Priceless, yo.



I was damn happy with our LA presentation today. (Moira's Keening!)
OH SO VERY HAPPY. Although seriously I was wincing throughout the dramatic reading :( Can you imagine reading this stanza:
Where Mary the Mother
Is bending her head,
And you sleep at her crooning,
O boy of mine! dead.
Hahahahaha. But it was very fun. When Natasha came over to my house to do IPO + chiong the ppt, we practiced until the whole house was ringing with "MY DARLING IS DEAAAAD." Wah hahahahaha funny. Yay tomorrow have P.E! Although we're doing soccer and now is the time to bring on the high socks.
Just finished watching the feitian video that Weijia kindly took for us! Went very well except the first part when she oooooh~ and almost scared the hell out of me. Hahhahaha thank you anyway! :D
Hurhurhurhurhurhurhurhurhurhurhurhurhu yayyyy tomorrow. School's so busy now my head's so crammed with stuff.
P.S sorry Serene I will send you asap :D
I hope you dance
[ 6:43 PM ]

So delicate.


Once you've learned to fly, you'll never forget how to.
Geog IPO is going well, Natasha and I found a treasure trove of information and I almost flipped typing all of it out. Should be able to finish it soon.
In any case, I was talking to her yesterday night about geog IPO and obviously we digressed and apparently according to her, alot of classes hate us. 2J.
Because of interclass/storytelling/everybody else hates them so I guess I hate them too.
It's really saddening. Sigh. Tell me what we did wrong.
Hahaha on a lighter note it's damn funny to know what people thought of me at the start of Year 1 because of orientation. Its not hurting I guess because I have a steel heart (hohohohoho evil laugh eh ALLOY ok v strong one know!!) but I guess if I had a porcelain one it would have shattered a long time ago.
Ah well.
I seriously just want everybody to like everybody else. We're so going to die at sports meet. Tell me, what wrong did we do?
I would love to say anything I like here but I can't -.-
I was at some mini pasar malam the other day with my family and saw winx club stickers, blah ._. Sure ya'll know what that is. The stick girls with legs five times their upper body and eyes half their face and wings that look so delicate that they couldn't get an ant airborne, and hair so long it reaches their rear end and still looks every bit fantastic. (seriously, try washing that much of hair and it'd probably use up 1 entire bottle of shampoo and take 1 entire day to dry off)And did I forget to mention that the circumference of their waists are like probably the length of their forefinger.
Who the hell came up with that idea?
Girls are not born with the dream body shape and you can't really blame people for dieting if all they see on TV is stick-thin girls/women. For goodness sakes lah Beckham's WIFE is 40kg, which is less than what I, as a 14-year-old, weigh. And so everybody now thinks that skinny is pretty the skinnier you are prettier you are and if you're fat then you're highly unpretty and that's all there is to it.
Anyway I just hate Winx Club and Barbie and all the rest of it.
Airy-fairy and entirely unrealistic.
Why make girls look like that? Those creatures on TV, they ain't even faintly human lah. So yeah. Needed to uh release. Hahahaha.
Everybody's perfect in their own way.
And this was quite a dark post, LOLLLL. Rightttt, my father's watching The Water Horse on DVD now haha cute mm I shall go join him.
And before I go:
Friday: Before music lesson was recess and Natasha and Sinyee couldn't finish their drinks. Yuhua and Wilson were walking to the D&D room from class and when we waved the drinks around they seriously had a race and literally bounded over in 10 seconds flat.
Amusing :D
I will miss this class.
By the dark lough at evening
[ 12:11 AM ]
My internet connection is dying on me.
So is my brain. I hate poetry analysis. And I hate, hate, hate, staying up late.
Seriously, give me a damn break can or not.
Chengyee's post on 2J was really encouraging :) It's so good to know that we're all in this together (yes i know that sounds like high school musical which I really hate anyway) and seeing 4/36 still online at 12.25am really is encouraging.
I'm too tired to be pissed anyway. Anyhow, it's Thursday now.
Happy birthday :)
9129 2142!
[ 9:03 PM ]
Yay. I got a new phone.
Which is not new, and
entirely free. I'm not rich k. Some
free phone my father got for
free a long time ago. It's not bad I guess. But really slow and laggy. But I'm happy with it :)
Anyway so the number is the same.
9129 2142.Not like anyone would want to stalk me anyway :D
Yay. Freefreefreefree.
:D Charmaine, stop saying I rich ah :)
FREE!$0.00!ok now I sound like an obssessive auntie at the market.
[ 9:13 PM ]
Yay. I love baishou.
Anyway. I lost my phone. So yes. Don't sms/call me. The end. So sad. I liked my number ok. 9129 2142. My dad's gonna cancel my number. Everything gone. Damnit. EVERYTHINGGG.
All the smses all the pictures and songs (actually those don't matter, those are all in my computer) and the contacts. THE CONTACTS. Omg -falls over and dies-
To date I can only remember the numbers of 4 people other than my family. Hahaha. Guessyguess :D
Anyway, wudao today. Did like once of the chou (omg reminds me I have to hang them up) dance and more of feitian. Haha, poor Cheryl, who got sat on. And right after wudao I was like aching all over and it's the first time I ever felt so pain everywhere. Owwww :( Went to meet Sinyee they all at the basketball courts with Cheryl and I couldn't even hit a proper volleyball ._. Paain lah. And today was one of the few days I felt so stiff. As in not flexible. Nevermind I shall lian4 the tai2 tui3 more! Someday when I don't feel like a piece of rock.
Haha k it seems like ALL my posts are about wudao. Can't help it. School's stressful so I don't really want to post about it, it'd only make me sadder. So many things to do.

Jiayou all :D
Yay I more or less finished my maths file corrections. hurray for me.
(EDIT)Oh man I forgot what I wanted to edit about. Ohyes! I wonder who I oughta sit with next. Tomorrow's rearranging seats. Damn I actually do want to sit with Mark. And in front of Emily and Qiurui. Can teach me maths. Yay.
Oh yes and I think the 2J guys are very nice. Hahaha. Not that I just realised, I'm just stating it now. They've actually helped Cheryl Natasha and I carry whatever we want them to carry every single time we go back home together, which is like almost everyday. So today Wilson carried $160 worth of chou and Yuhua carried all the new class tees all the way. Yay. Cause today we went home with Zina Ningli Weijia Joylynn and they were like OH WAH YOUR CLASS GUYS VERY NICE LEH! Agreed lah :) Yay 2J! Hmph I'll be heartbroken at the end of the year -.-
School's not that fun with you missing.
Tired flat.
[ 9:58 AM ]
Yesterday I slept at like 9+ after practicing the thingy that liangls says I better practice. Don't see myself getting any better. :( I have to get better by next Thursdaaaay!
Felt like puking lor. Anyway I fell asleep in the middle of typing an sms to Natasha to tell her not to call me for the geog project anymore and woke up again for like a few seconds to continue the sms, and went back to sleep again. Haha amazing.
Anyway I swear I have to finish ji lu ka by today lah damn and I shall not give two hoots about the bizlab thing anymore because I don't care whether we get in or not. Shall just do my part or whatever they tell me to do. And sorry Sinyee I really didn't know you called/smsed D: was uh sleeping very blissfully.
Seriously, the holidays suck. I'm wondering why everybody hasn't collapsed and died yet.
I really miss Year One :( I thought that was bad enough but now is hell and there's Clarissa saying Year Three is worse and Weijia says Year Four is the worstesttsest of all. Anyway I think
wudao rocks and yesterday's err sudden hugging fiesta was very touching. Yay for Pearl! Wudao loves you so don't ever
I'm enjoying time in wudao more than ever and I think I'll be damn sad when all the sec 4s leave lah siaaaannnnn. :( Ningli Weijia Zina Joylynn :(
Haha k I shan't dwell on it before it happens. And I have to go meet Sinyee at Tampines now for the stupid CIP nonsense. Bah.
Hold me now, warm my heart
Stay with me, let loving start
You shine so bright, you put the sun to shame.
[ 9:40 PM ]
Haha some random title O.O
Err. Lots of things to post about? My parents are going to Vietnam (Ho Chin Minh) tomorrow, so yeah sad :( Let them have their second honeymoon haha. Anyway mm yeah today was dazu and I think it was very good haha compared to last year, which was kind of dragged too long. And yup now's just the right duration and the games are quite fun and I think it's well organised and yay very good I think it really does help us to bond within the 100+ people in CS.
Yup so then was the interview which was quite D: So yay shan't talk about it.
After that it was raining and my socks were damn soaked sadly. We went to Queenstown to buy FBTs, after which I'm broke and still owing people money and hmph :( But I really no more shorts to wear underneath lor. I hate waking up in the morning and realising all the shorts are either in the laundry basket, washing, or drying and still wet.
Yay I am a boring person so this is all I have to post about. Ohyes and went to get the Bizlab materials with Charmaine Natasha Sinyee at Spotlight on Monday, and yes I shall post some pictures and you can go
Sinyee's blog for the rest of our damn spastic picture spree. Hah.

Err hahaha :D

I had no idea the chous were so striking! And they actually do look quite lovely, no matter how hard they are to handle.
K tag replies :)
Sinyee: Haha thank you awww :D Yup jiayou together! YEAAAAHHH~~ hehhehehe. Thousand other horrible names there are too :)
Yuntong: Hahaha yay thank you for all the support all along too! Wudao misses you!
Dora: Hahha yupyup.
Chengyee: Yeah sad. Let's die :( You have camp? Hoho jiayou then. Don't stress yourself too much lah. See you now like so overstressed. Not good for health. You don't want to turn out like me, dear. No you don't. Jiayou k! Have fun at the camp.
Mingwei: -flashes huge smile!- :D
Sarah: Yeah cannot believe it right and yess they rock! Jiayou with the holiday homework anw!
Zina: Yesyes thankyou! I know I make alot of sense! Hahahhaha k jk :X Oh man you threw them away? Weren't those your new shoes only worn once for cny performance ><>
Cheryl: YAY TOMORROW HAVE WUDAO!!! BAISHOU!! :D:D:D:D:DD Hahaha yeah I saw your post and yay you rock! :D
Clar: Yeah I saw your post and it was like an essay lol :) Haha no problem get well soon yeah and don't dislocate it for the third time! Take care k :) Eh and I think both you and Tongwei take turns bullying each other haha k don't kill me ah :D
Nigel: Haha hello yay he suck/is a nerd, agree :)
Fraser: Nah it's alright. Aww I'm touched, really. Enjoy yourself and come back soon yeah.
forum thread in moodle
[ 5:16 PM ]
Righto I'm pissed :) Was bored. Checked out moodle. Call me a nerd/geek/twit.
Please read: not you can just NOT continue reading this post and NOT take part in my displeasure. So read the thread, and it's a very interesting thread posted by a Year 2 guy whom I don't know.
The whole point of it is that he was complaining that his rubik's cube kana confiscated by teacher during Kaleidescope, and quite some people agreed. The title of the thread is "Are teachers abusing their power?" And of course there follows a whole chunk of people also complaining about wet tracks and how boring some of the performances were and how their butts are wet, all of which lead up to the list of excuses for not paying attention to all of the performances.
And apparently there are quite alot of Year 4s/seniors who got quite worked up about it, and told them that they should give due respect to the performers. Haha and Wei Hong rocks :D
HELLOOOOO!!!!! EXCUSE ME. Wth is wrong with wet tracks? Since everyone in your level is in the same situation as you, you might as well deal with it instead of complaining like a wussy. Plus all the classes were told that the tracks might be wet, so bring plastic bags to sit on. If you didn't find that out you can go bash your inefficient chairperson who might not have told you. Or you can bash in your own ears for not hearing even if he/she said.
And yes it's quite stupid to have to watch from the side, but it can't be helped right. Look at how tiny our holding school is. Then where you wanna sit. On top of grandstand huh. Hope you fall off and die then. Have a cool funeral.
The thing that I mostmostmostmost can't stand is that people think it's all right to be playing rubik's cube for the entire performance. I know it's freaking addictive but please, the performers put alot of work into Kaleidescope, and the least you can do is let them know they're appreciated. And I also think that its absurd to think that the teacher's abusing her authority just because she confiscated their rubik's cubes, which they shouldn't even have been playing at that time. Wahlao. If she doesn't confiscate it, then what's the school coming to? It's not all play alright. Teachers have alot of authority and they should be able to use it instead of having students complain the hell out of their fat wet butts.
Talking about wet patches on your shorts. You think the performers like having to perform on wet tracks? Do you think I, for one, like kneeling on wet tracks? Do you think I, for one, like running into the muddy field with puddles in it and getting my feet soaked and brown? Don't you think that's worse than just sitting on clean wet water which ain't even puddles?
Oh and I forgot a nice fact! After getting your feet nicely muddy, ya have to run out onto the track again, and dance and smile and do all sorts of pretty things with your oh-so-prettily-muddy feet. Chio hor.
Oh and there's complaints that they can't see from the back. If I recall, wushu was wearing these really nice and colourful outfits and they were quite noticeable. I am sure that you couldn't see them. If I recall, lion dance was pretty big too. Lion heads were big yeah. Sure that you couldn't see them either. Band had lots of instruments and drums and stuff. Guess you couldn't see them either. And you really don't want me to get started on wudao.
Give respect to the performers and your teacher. Confiscate then confiscate lah. Since you so rich go buy another one. And it's not like she won't give it back. Eat it up for dinner or something.
Very pissed off.
I miss my old dance shoes :(
The BROWN and DIRTY ones.
I think your shorts are pretty clean by now. Probably got your maid to wash it. She washes your undies too don't she.
台上一分钟,台下十年功.Make sure you fully comprehend that before you start whining.
Take note:
this post is not directed to anyone in particular. If you want to take personal offence then that won't be my problem any longer.